Professionals you can Trust

Asbestos Removal & Disposal
We are a professional team of licensed asbestos removal contractors that service NSW and Queensland. This includes the major cities of Sydney and the Central Coast of NSW, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Toowoomba. We provide abatement and testing for both residential homes and commercial site clean up.
Call us now for a free quote and we can arrange a site visit to assess how best to safely remove the asbestos.
Asbestos Testing Service
To properly identify asbestos, it has to be tested by professionals in a lab. Samples are tested using a stereo microscope and PLM, or polarising Light Microscope, to determine if asbestos crystal fibres are present.

Our Services
Call us to discuss your project.

Warning! Don’t:
This will release dust particles into the air causing the bonded asbestos to become Friable.
Ready? Call now for a free quote
07 3185 2323Our Service Benefits
Licensed Professionals
All or contractors are Class B licensed for the safe removal of Non-Friable asbestos. You can rest assured the job will be done properly exceeding the standards of current laws in your state.
Documentation Covered
We get the paperwork right, so everything runs smoothly and is legal. This includes you Asbestos Safe Work Method Statements or SWMS and Asbestos Clearance Certificate once the job is complete.
Fully Insured
With $20 million public liability insurance we have you covered.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you remove asbestos yourself?
It depends on the state you are in. In the ACT you have to use a licensed professional. In all other states and territories, a non-licensed person is allowed to remove non-friable asbestos as long as the area is no bigger than 10m².
Can I bury asbestos if its on my property?
No. It is illegal to bury asbestos. It poses a significant health risk to you and any future owners of the property. It must be taken to an asbestos waste disposal facility licensed for asbestos disposal.